Getting Started with Python - A Beginners Guide
Python is a language with a simple syntax and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted language, with a rich programming environment, including a robust debugger and profiler.
18 Lessons Python
Python is a language with a simple syntax and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted language, with a rich programming environment, including a robust debugger and profiler. This course is designed to take you from a programming novice to a confident Python coder.
None. This course is designed for absolute beginners with no prior programming experience.
Who should take this course
In this comprehensive course, you will gain a solid foundation in Python programming concepts and techniques. Whether you're a student, professional, or hobbyist, this course caters to all backgrounds.
By the end of this course, you'll have the skills to write your own Python programs, solve simple coding challenges, and begin your journey towards more advanced topics in programming.
Join us and unlock the world of coding with Python!
Python: Introduction to Python and Installation
This lesson will help you get started with all the tools you need to begin writing your very lines of Python! Python has an interesting and specific syntax. Learn all about it with this overview on the language.
Python: Variables and Basic Data Types
This lesson will go over variables and types, including how to declare them, initialize them, and what each kind is.
Python: Classes and Objects, Inheritance and Super
Class are blueprints to create objects which represent a collection of related properties and methods. Inheritance is an important concept of OOP. It is a process by which a class can inherit properties from another class.
Python: Conditional Statements Ifs, Elifs, Elses
Logic and conditionals are a fundamental part of programming and is how your program can make decisions.
Python: Working with Loops
Learn about the two loops in Python, the for and while loop. Plus learn about the break and continue statements.
Python: Introduction to Functions
Functions in Python are a great way to group together lines of code that aim to do a single task and make them reusable.
Python: Modules and Packages
Modules in Python are a way to import external code for you to use in your own code like third-party libraries.
Python: Working with Dictionaries
Learn about dictionaries in Python, which are key-value pair collections that are unordered, indexed and changable.
Python: Working with Sets
Learn about sets in Python which are a collections of elements that are unordered and unindexed with no duplicates.
Python: Working with Lists
Learn about lists in Python which are collections that are ordered and changeable whenever you want.
Python: Working with Tuples
Learn how to use tuples in Python which are collections that are ordered, unchangeable, and immutable.
Python: Exception Handling
Learn how to gracefully handle and recover from exceptions and errors in Python when they arise in your code.
Python: Working with Files and Directories
Learn how to work with files in Python files and Directories including how to open, read, append, overwrite, write, and close a file.
Python: Working with Date and Times
Learn how to express and work with dates and moments in time using Python's built-in date and time functionality.
Python: Regular Expressions
Learn how to use regular expressions search patterns in Python to match text and do advanced find and replace operations.
Python: Math Functions
Learn about how to do arithmetic and work with the basic math operators and functions provided by Python.
Python: Serialising and Deserialising JSON
JSON is the language of data transfer. Learn how to encode and decode JSON in Python using the json module.
Python: Working with Mails
Learn how to send text and HTML mail dynamically in Python using its built-in mail module and functions.