
Bugsense – a crash analytics and performance monitoring tool for mobile

nilan avtar

Written by:

Nilanchala,  6 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

The hardest part of a developer’s life is not to write great code but, to deal with annoying part of an application during phases of development. A bug is what we believe to cause the most inconvenience to user while in the middle of an application. And hence it is must require to take the measures at every phases of development.

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result or to behave in unintended ways.

Bugsense, provide platform to track application crashes and ANR’s. Now you may raise a question, Why use a third-party service, when platforms like Apple iTunes and Google Market provide developers with its own solution for tracking application crashes?”

Following are some of the features makes Bugsense significantly powerful than the platform providers

Bugsense; crash analytics mobile developers
Bugsense; crash analytics mobile developers

Bugsense Features

Bugsense, reports all your application crashes in real time. It also have some added features that helps developers to debug your application faster and more efficiently. Some of them are:

  • Multi-platform support, currently it supports world’s leading mobile platforms like Android, iOS, Windows 8 and HTML5 based applications.
  • Grouping of similar crashes, know which are the bugs that happen more often, and in which version they appeared for the first time.
  • Crash report filtering, you can filter the crashes by platform, devices versions, time period and much more
  • Application Context, while debugging application context is the king. Bugsense helps to get the application context like device OS and app version, Network state, device location service, etc.
  • Symbolication, supports symbolication on both device and server dashboard. This helps developers to easily find the line of code that causes the crash, without any manual user input.
  • Tagging of crashes as resolved, once developers resolves the issues you can update the status to resolved, so you know which ones you don’t have to worry about.
  • JIRA integration, supports deep integration of JIRA that creates new tasks when a crash is reported in your application.
  • Email notifications, user may opt for email notification. That notifies user when a crash is reported in your application.
  • Documentation, you will find range of detailed documentations that supports developers to integrate easily in android, iOS, Windows 8 and HTML5 based applications.

Know more from official BugSense website