
The Ultimate Guide to Top Website Analytics and Measurement Tools

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Editorial,  36 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

In today's digital age, having a website is critical for any business or organisation. However, simply having a website is not enough; it is also necessary to have insights into how visitors interact with the site. This is where website analytics and measurement tools come in. With so many options available, determining which tool is best suited for your needs can be challenging.

In this blog post, we will look at the most popular website analytics and measurement tools on the market today, offering you an overview of each tool's features and capabilities to help you make an informed decision. This guide will help you find the right tool to monitor and improve the website's performance.

Here are the list of most popular website analytics and measurement tools currently available:

Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics. It is a sophisticated and comprehensive website analytics platform that provides advanced tracking, reporting, and data analysis features for businesses of all sizes.


  • Advance tracking: Allow tracking user behaviour across different devices, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, providing a more comprehensive picture of customer interactions with a website.
  • User behaviour tracking: GA4 offers enhanced reporting capabilities, providing businesses with more detailed and accurate information on user behaviour. The platform's advanced reporting features allow businesses to analyse user interactions at a more granular level, enabling them to identify trends and make informed decision.
  • GA4 uses machine learning algorithms to improve data accuracy, providing businesses with more accurate insights into user behaviour.
  • Custom reports: GA4 allows businesses to create customisable reports, enabling them to analyse data in a way that is specific to their business needs. This can help businesses identify areas for improvement and optimise their marketing strategies accordingly.


  • Privacy concerns: Google analytics is inherently not GDPR compliant. It requires some effort from the website owner to ensure compliance.
  • Steeper learning curve: GA4 is a more advanced platform and requires a longer learning curve to take best use of its advance features.
  • In the free version of Google Analytics, data sampling can occur when a website has a large amount of traffic. This means that the platform may only analyse a portion of the data, potentially leading to less accurate insights.
  • Real-time data limitations: Although Google Analytics does offer real-time data, it is limited in granularity and depth compared to some of its competitors
  • Lack of raw data access: Google Analytics does not provide access to raw data, which can be a limitation for businesses wanting to perform custom, in-depth analysis. Tools like Matomo and Adobe Analytics allow for raw data access and exporting.
  • Limited on-page visualisation: Google Analytics lacks these visualisation features such as heat maps and scroll maps.

Price: Free. Paid versions with more advanced features available.

Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a comprehensive digital analytics platform available as part of Adobe's Experience Cloud suite. It enables businesses to perform advanced data analysis, segmentation, and marketing attribution.

Adobe Analytics enables businesses to collect, analyse, and visualise user behaviour data across multiple touch points, including websites, mobile apps, and other digital channels.


  • Advanced segmentation: Adobe Analytics provides robust segmentation capabilities, allowing businesses to dive deep into their data and identify specific customer segments for more targeted marketing efforts.
  • Integration with Adobe Experience Cloud: Adobe Analytics seamlessly integrates with other Adobe tools, like Adobe Target, Adobe Campaign, and Adobe Audience Manager, enabling businesses to create a comprehensive digital marketing ecosystem.
  • Real-time data analysis: Adobe Analytics provides real-time data analysis and reporting, allowing businesses to make timely decisions based on up-to-date information.
  • Customizable dashboards and reports: Users can create custom dashboards and reports tailored to their specific needs, enabling them to focus on relevant data and insights.
  • Advanced attribution modeling: Adobe Analytics offers advanced marketing attribution models to help businesses understand the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and optimize their campaigns.
  • Access to raw data: Adobe Analytics provides access to raw data, allowing businesses to perform in-depth custom analyses and data exports.


  • Cost: Adobe Analytics can be expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. The pricing structure may not be as accessible as competitors like Google Analytics, which offers a free version.
  • Complexity: Adobe Analytics has a steep learning curve and may require dedicated resources or training to fully leverage its capabilities. This can be a challenge for smaller organizations with limited resources.
  • Implementation and setup: The implementation and setup of Adobe Analytics can be complex and time-consuming, potentially requiring assistance from experienced professionals or consultants.
  • Limited integrations with non-Adobe tools: While Adobe Analytics integrates well with other Adobe products, it may not offer as many out-of-the-box integrations with non-Adobe tools and platforms.

Price: Premium. Contact sales for pricing details.


Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is an open-source web analytics platform that provides comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities for websites and mobile applications. It is well-known for its focus on privacy and GDPR compliance, making it a popular choice for organisations with stringent data privacy requirements.


  • Privacy-focused: It is designed with privacy in mind, ensuring GDPR compliance and allowing businesses to have full control over their data. No data is shared with third parties, which can be an advantage over some competitors like Google Analytics.
  • Open-source: Matomo's open-source nature enables businesses to customize the platform and adapt it to their specific needs. It also allows for a large community of developers to contribute to the platform, continuously improving its features and functionality.
  • Self-hosted option: Offers the choice between self-hosted and cloud-hosted solutions. Self-hosting allows organizations to have complete control over their data and infrastructure.
  • Access to raw data: Provides access to raw data, allowing for more in-depth analysis and data exports.
  • Cost-effective: An open-source, self-hosted version is available for free, making it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes. There is also a paid, cloud-hosted version with different pricing tiers based on the volume of page views.


  • Limited integrations: Matomo may not have as many out-of-the-box integrations with third-party tools and platforms as some of its competitors like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics.
  • Less advanced features: While Matomo offers comprehensive analytics capabilities, it may lack some advanced features available in more premium solutions like Adobe Analytics.
  • Smaller user community: Although Matomo has a dedicated user base, it may not have as extensive a community or resources compared to more popular competitors like Google Analytics.
  • Self-hosted maintenance: If you choose the self-hosted option, your organization will need to manage and maintain the Matomo infrastructure, which can require additional resources and expertise.

Price: Free plan is available with limited access. It starts from $19 per month.


Mixpanel is a web and mobile analytics platform that provides businesses with detailed insights into user behaviour. It is a user-centric analytics platform that focuses on tracking individual user behaviour and engagement, allowing for more personalised marketing efforts.


  • Real-time tracking: Provides real-time data tracking and analysis, enabling businesses to see how users are interacting with their website or mobile app in real-time.
  • Segmentation: Allows businesses to segment their user base based on specific criteria, such as geographic location, device type, and behaviour patterns.
  • Funnel analysis: Offers funnel analysis, which enables businesses to identify areas where users drop off in the user journey. This information can be used to optimize the user experience and improve conversion rates.
  • Customizable dashboards: Provides customizable dashboards, enabling businesses to track specific metrics and KPIs that are relevant to their business goals.
  • Third party Integrations: It can integrate with a variety of third-party tools and platforms, including Salesforce, Slack, and Google Analytics


  • Learning curve: Mixpanel can be complex and difficult to learn for new users, especially those who do not have a technical background. This can make it challenging to implement and use effectively.
  • Expensive: It can be expensive, especially for small businesses. The cost increases as the number of users and events tracked increases.
  • Limited reporting: Mixpanel's reporting capabilities are not as robust as some other analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics.
  • Limited data visualization: Mixpanel's data visualization options are limited compared to some other analytics platforms, making it difficult to quickly and easily identify trends and patterns.

Price: Free plan available (up to 20m events/month) . It starts from $19 per month. Growth $20 and Enterprise starting $1,667 is available.


Heap is a web analytics tool that allows website owners to track user behaviour and gather insights about how users interact with their website. Heap uses a tracking code that is installed on the website, which captures data about user behaviour and sends it back to Heap's servers for analysis.


  1. User-friendly interface: Heap provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for website owners to visualise and analyse user behaviour data.
  2. Real-time data capture: Heap captures user behaviour data in real-time, which means that website owners can get immediate insights into how users are interacting with their website.
  3. Customisable tracking: Heap allows website owners to customize their tracking code to capture specific user behaviour data, such as button clicks, form submissions, or page views.
  4. No data sampling: Heap does not use data sampling, which means that website owners can analyse all of their user behaviour data without any loss of accuracy.


  1. Limited free plan: Heap's free plan is limited in terms of the number of events that can be tracked per month, and the amount of historical data that can be analysed.
  2. Costly for high-traffic websites: Heaps pricing can be expensive for high-traffic websites that generate a large amount of user behaviour data.
  3. Privacy concerns: Some users may have concerns about the collection and storage of their personal data, which is captured by Heap's tracking code. Website owners need to be transparent about their data collection practices and provide clear privacy policies to address these concerns.

Price: Free plan is available with limited access. Other paid plans such as Growth, Pro and Premier plans available. Contact sales for more details.


Hotjar is a web analytics tool that provides insights into user behaviour on a website through various methods like heatmaps, visitor recordings, surveys, and more. It aims to help website owners understand how their website is being used by visitors and identify areas for improvement.


  • Comprehensive tracking: It tracks a wide range of user behaviour data, including heatmaps, visitor recordings, and feedback surveys, which provides a comprehensive view of how visitors interact with a website.
  • User-friendly interface: It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for website owners to access and analyse user behaviour data.
  • Easy to set up: Setting up Hotjar is relatively simple, requiring only a small piece of tracking code to be added to a website.
  • Affordable pricing: Offers affordable pricing plans, making it accessible to small businesses and website owners on a budget.


  • Limited customisation: Hotjar's tracking is limited to pre-defined events, which may not capture all the user behaviour data that website owners want to track.
  • Limited integrations: Hotjar has limited integrations with other analytics tools and platforms, which can make it difficult to combine data from multiple sources.
  • Privacy concerns: Some users may have concerns about the collection and storage of their personal data, which is captured by Hotjar's tracking code. Website owners need to be transparent about their data collection practices and provide clear privacy policies to address these concerns.
  • Limited scalability: Hotjar may not be suitable for high-traffic websites, as it can slow down website performance due to the large amount of data that is captured and processed.

Price: Free Basic plan, Plus ¢32, Business ¢80


Kissmetrics is a web analytics tool that tracks and analyses user behaviour on a website or web application, with a focus on user engagement and conversions. It aims to help businesses improve their user experience, optimise their conversion rates, and increase revenue.


  • Detailed user tracking: Kissmetrics tracks individual user behaviour over multiple sessions, allowing businesses to understand how users interact with their website over time and identify trends in behaviour.
  • Advanced segmentation: Kissmetrics offers advanced segmentation capabilities that allow businesses to create custom segments based on specific user behaviours, demographics, or other attributes.
  • Goal tracking: Kissmetrics allows businesses to track specific goals and events, such as form submissions, sign-ups, or purchases, and measure the effectiveness of different marketing campaigns and user experiences.
  • Robust reporting: Kissmetrics provides detailed reports and visualizations of user behaviour data, allowing businesses to analyze their data and make data-driven decisions.


  • High cost: Kissmetrics can be expensive compared to other web analytics tools, which may make it less accessible to small businesses or those on a tight budget.
  • Limited integrations: Kissmetrics has limited integrations with other analytics tools and platforms, which can make it difficult to combine data from multiple sources.
  • Complex implementation: Setting up Kissmetrics requires technical knowledge and can be complex, which may be a barrier for businesses without a dedicated technical team.
  • Limited data visualization: Kissmetrics' reporting and visualization capabilities are not as robust as some other analytics tools, which may make it more difficult to visualise and analyse complex data sets.

Price: It has 3 pricing tires. Silver $299.00/m , Gold $499.00/m, and Platinum tire.

Crazy Egg

CrazyEgg is a web analytics tool that uses heatmaps, scrollmaps, and other visualizations to help website owners understand how users interact with their website. It aims to help businesses optimise their website design and user experience to improve conversions and engagement.


  • User-friendly interface: CrazyEgg has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for website owners to access and analyze user behaviour data.
  • Visualisations: CrazyEgg provides visualisations such as heatmaps, scrollmaps, and click maps that help website owners understand how users interact with their website.
  • Easy to set up: Setting up CrazyEgg is relatively simple, requiring only a small piece of tracking code to be added to a website.
  • Affordable pricing: CrazyEgg offers affordable pricing plans, making it accessible to small businesses and website owners on a budget.


  • Limited tracking: CrazyEgg's tracking is limited to pre-defined events, which may not capture all the user behaviour data that website owners want to track.
  • Limited integrations: CrazyEgg has limited integrations with other analytics tools and platforms, which can make it difficult to combine data from multiple sources.
  • Limited customisation: CrazyEgg's tracking is limited to a few pre-defined visualisations, which may not allow for as much customisation as some other analytics tools.
  • Privacy concerns: Some users may have concerns about the collection and storage of their personal data, which is captured by CrazyEgg's tracking code. Website owners need to be transparent about their data collection practices and provide clear privacy policies to address these concerns.
  • A website optimisation tool that offers heatmaps, scroll maps, and A/B testing features to improve user experience and conversion rates.

Price: Basic $29/mo*, Standard $49/mo*, Plus $99/mo and Pro $249/mo* and Enterprise pricing tire available.

In conclusion, choosing the right tool depends on individual needs and preferences, and the blog post provides a helpful guide to assist readers in making an informed decision. Ultimately, implementing an effective website analytics and measurement tool can lead to better business performance and increased success online.