
Validating @ConfigurationProperties in Spring Boot

nilan avtar

Written by

Nilanchala,  9 min read,  3.37K views, updated on May 07, 2024

The @ConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind configuration parameters typically from properties or YAML files to a Java class.

But, did you know you also can validate configuration properties at spring application startup with @ConfigurationProperties annotation? Let's dive in!

Let's say we have a Spring boot importer service that imports customer data from a CSV file to the database periodically. For the importer to work we have the following configurations:

    filePath: '/nfs/files'
    fileType: '.xslx'
    threadPoolSize: 3

These properties can be mapped to a Java class automatically using @ConfigurationProperties annotation as follows:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "importer.service")
public class ImporterConfig {  
    String filePath;
    String fileType;
    int threadPoolSize;

Now let's say, we want to ensure the importer configuration is provided and meets the validation criteria when the application starts. If any of the validation fails, then the application should fail during startup.

For this validation to work, we need to have a JSR-380 implementation like Hibernate Validator on your classpath.

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-validation'

Once we have a validator in the classpath, we need to explicitly enable the configuration properties validation using @Validated annotation.

For example,

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "importer.service")  
public class ImporterConfig {  

    String filePath;  

    @Pattern(regexp = "\\.csv$|\\.txt$")  
    String fileType;  

    int threadPoolSize;  

This can validate properties on application startup when used in conjunction with JSR-380 bean validation annotations such as @Max, and @NotNull. Here are some of the common annotations used for bean validation:

  • @NotNull: specifies that a property must be not null
  • @NotEmpty: specifies that a property must be not null or not empty
  • @Size: ensure that a property size is between attributes min and max
  • @Email: specifies that a property must be a valid email address
  • @AssertTrue / @AssertFalse: ensure that a property value is true/false
  • @Positive / @Negative: ensure that a property is positive/negative
  • @Past / @Future: specifies that the date must be in the past/ future
  • @Max / @Min: specifies that a property has a value not greater/not smaller than the value attribute

A full list of built-in validation constraints in JSR 380 can be found here.

Now, Run the application and notice that it will bind these properties from application.yamlto the ImporterConfig object and validate them at application startup, thus ensuring the application doesn't run with invalid configurations.

If the validation fails it will result in BindException as shown below:



Binding to target failed:

    Property: importer.service.fileType
    Value: ".xlsx"
    Origin: class path resource [application.yaml] - 8:15
    Reason: must match "\.csv$|\.txt$"


Update your application's configuration

Now you update the fileType: .csv and the application will start as expected.

Considerations for Using Records

Starting with Spring Boot 2.6 and Java 16 you can use record classes with @ConfigurationProperties. But there are a few things you need to consider when using records.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "importer.service")  
public record ImporterProperties(  
        @NotNull String filePath,  
        @Min(3) int threadPoolSize) {  

The @Componenet annotation cannot be used with records. Your IDE will show annotated with @ConstructorBinding but defined as a Spring component error.

This is because the @Component annotation is generally used to define a bean that the Spring container will automatically detect and manage. As Java records are immutable, it conflicts with the way Spring manages beans, which involves proxying, intercepting, and potentially altering object states or behaviour.

To fix this, we need to remove the @Component annotation and explicitly define the bean registration. We can either use @EnableConfigurationProperties or define @Bean annotation in one of the @Configuration classes.

For example:

public class MyApplication {  

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);  


Getting Started with Spring Boot- Beginner's Guide

This course covers the fundamentals of Spring Boot an you will gain the necessary skills to develop various types of applications using the powerful features of the Spring Boot framework.

nilan avtar


I'm a blogger, educator and a full stack developer. Mainly focused on Java, Spring and Micro-service architecture. I love to learn, code, make and break things.

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