
Digging into HTTP Clients in Spring: From RestTemplate to HTTP Interface

nilan avtar

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Nilanchala,  18 min read,  2.52K views, updated on Oct. 02, 2024

Over the past few years working in Spring, I had the opportunity to use different HTTP clients for consuming third-party REST API calls. Starting from RestTemplate to the more modern RestClient and all-new declarative HTTP interface.

While talking to different candidates during the interviews, almost all of them have used RestTemplate, while only a few know about the other modern alternatives available in the spring framework.

This post covers different options available for making REST API calls from Spring and dives into the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Mainly we have the following choices:

  1. RestTemplate
  2. Feign Client
  3. Rest Client
  4. WebClient
  5. New declarative HTTP Interface

1. RestTemplate

The RestTemplate was Introduced almost 14 years ago in Spring Framework version 3.0. RestTemplate is a synchronous client used to make HTTP requests from the Spring application. It simplifies the process of making HTTP requests using template-like classes.

For using RestTemplate in Spring boot, we need to include spring-boot-starter-web dependency.

The following code snippet is used to consume the FakeStore API and perform different HTTP API calls.

public class ProductApiClient {  

    private static final String POST_API = "";  
    private static final String GET_API = "{productId}";  
    private static final String DELETE_API = "{productId}";  

    private String apiKey;  

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;  

    public ProductApiClient(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {  
        this.restTemplate =;  

    public ResponseEntity<Product> getProduct(String productId) {  
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();  
        params.put("productId", productId);  

        return restTemplate.getForEntity(GET_API, Product.class, params);  

    public Product createProduct(Product product) {  
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();  
        headers.set("X-API-KEY", apiKey);  

        HttpEntity<Product> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(product, headers);  
        return restTemplate.postForObject(POST_API, httpEntity, Product.class);  

    public void updateProduct(Product product) {  
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();  
        params.put("productId", product.getId());  
        restTemplate.put(GET_API, product, params);  

    public void deleteProduct(String productId) {  
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();  
        params.put("productId", productId);  
        restTemplate.delete(DELETE_API, params);  

The RestTemplate operates on a synchronous and blocking model, which is not as efficient as other modern alternatives.

While RestTemplate has been a very reliable workhorse for making HTTP calls for over a decade, a modern version of the HTTP client called WebClient was introduced in Spring 5.

2. Feign Client

For many years, we relied on RestTemplate for our HTTP communications from Spring, and it served us well. However, as our API contracts expanded and we added new endpoints, we began to see that keeping up with the API changes with RestTemplate was becoming increasingly difficult.

We were on a hunt for an alternative to RestTemplate that requires writing less code. Fast forward to 2020, the FeignClient was first introduced as a part of the Spring Cloud Netflix stack.

Feign is a declarative REST client designed to simplify the process of writing web service clients by handling boilerplate tasks such as client creation and response handling. Users simply need to define an interface using standard JAX-RS annotations, and the framework manages the rest. Additionally, Feign provides support for encoders, decoders, and extensive logging support.

To use FeignClient, we need to add the spring-cloud-starter-openfeign dependency.

The above ProductApiClient can be written in Feign as:

@FeignClient(name = "product-api-client", url = "")  
public interface ProductApiClient {  

    ResponseEntity<Product> getProduct(@PathVariable("productId") String productId);  

    Product createProduct(@RequestBody Product product, 
                    @RequestHeader("X-API-KEY") String apiKey);  

    void updateProduct(@PathVariable("productId") String productId, 
                    @RequestBody Product product);  

    void deleteProduct(@PathVariable("productId") String productId);  

Both Feign and RestTemplate are designed for synchronous operations and do not support asynchronous API calls. To achieve asynchronous behaviour, we have to write a custom implementation using CompletableFuture or another asynchronous execution mechanism.  

3. WebClient

The WebClient is an alternative to RestTemplate. It was introduced in Spring 5 as part of the WebFlux stack. It provides both synchronous and asynchronous APIs to make the REST calls from the Spring application.

To use WebClient in a Spring Boot application, we need to add the spring-boot-starter-webflux dependency.

The above ProductApiClient can be written using WebClient as follows:

public class ProductApiClient {  

    private String apiKey;  

    private final WebClient webClient;  

    public ProductApiClient(WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder) {  
        this.webClient = webClientBuilder  

    public Mono<ResponseEntity<Product>> getProduct(String productId) {  
        return webClient.get()  
                .uri("/products/{productId}", productId)  

    public Mono<Product> createProduct(Product product) {  
                .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)  
                .header("X-API-KEY", apiKey)  

    public Mono<Void> updateProduct(String productId, Product product) {  
        return webClient.put()  
                .uri("/products/{productId}", productId)  

    public Mono<Void> deleteProduct(String productId) {  
        return webClient.delete()  
                .uri("/products/{productId}", productId)  

The WebClient works similar way to RestTemplate but with a modern functional and fluent style API.

Ref: WebClient

4. RestClient

The RestClient is a newer client in Spring 6, designed to overcome some limitations of RestTemplate. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous operations.

As you can see in the following example, the RestClient work similarly to the WebClient API, except we don’t have to add the WebFlux dependency.

It also provides helper methods to extract the response including status, headers, and body without calling the block() or subscribe() method.

The RestTemplate is marked for deprecation in Spring 6 and it is recommended to use RestClient for applications using Spring 6 or above.

To use RestClient in Spring Boot, we need to add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency.

public class ProductApiClient {  

    private static final String BASE_URL = "";  

    private String apiKey;  

    private final RestClient restClient;  

    public ProductApiClient() {  
        this.restClient = RestClient.builder()  
                .defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)  

    public ResponseEntity<Product> getProduct(String productId) {  
        return restClient.get()  
                .uri("/products/{productId}", productId)  

    public ResponseEntity<Product> createProduct(Product product) {  
                .header("X_API_KEY", apiKey)  

    public void updateProduct(Product product) {  
                .uri("/products/{productId}", product.getId())  
                .header("X_API_KEY", apiKey)  

    public void deleteProduct(String productId) {  
                .uri("/products/{productId}", productId)  
                .header("X_API_KEY", apiKey)  

Ref: RestClient

5. HTTP Interface

Spring 6 also adds the ability to create a declarative HTTP interface (similar to Feign) using the existing HTTP clients such as RestTemplate, WebClient and RestClient.

It creates a proxy to perform requests and attach it to the preferred HTTP client configured. For example, the above ProductApiClient can be written using a declarative HTTP interface as follows:

@HttpExchange(url = "/products")  
public interface ProductApiClient {  

    @GetExchange(url = "/{productId}")  
    ResponseEntity<Product> getProduct(@PathVariable String productId);  

    Product createProduct(@RequestBody Product product);  

    @PutExchange(url = "/{productId}")  
    void updateProduct(@PathVariable String productId, @RequestBody Product product,  
                       @RequestHeader(name = "X_API_KEY") String apikey);  

    @DeleteExchange(url = "/{productId}")  
    void deleteProduct(@PathVariable String productId,  
                       @RequestHeader(name = "X_API_KEY") String apikey);  

Now you can create a proxy that performs requests when methods are called.

To use it with RestTemplate:

public ProductApiClient productApiClient() {  
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();  
    restTemplate.setUriTemplateHandler(new DefaultUriBuilderFactory(""));  
    RestTemplateAdapter adapter = RestTemplateAdapter.create(restTemplate);  
    HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();  
    return factory.createClient(ProductApiClient.class);  

To use it with WebClient:

public ProductApiClient productApiClient() {  
    WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()  
    WebClientAdapter adapter = WebClientAdapter.create(webClient);  
    HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();  
    return factory.createClient(ProductApiClient.class);  

To use it with RestClient:

public ProductApiClient productApiClient() {  
    RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder()  
    RestClientAdapter adapter = RestClientAdapter.create(restClient);  
    HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory  
    return factory.createClient(ProductApiClient.class);  

The all-new declarative HTTP interface simplifies the code and improves readability. It also provides compile-time checks and validations, reducing runtime errors.


Spring framework has evolved over the years from synchronous to reactive and declarative HTTP clients. While RestTemplate provides fully tested and stable APIs, the new reactive and declarative clients using RestClient is the way forward.

nilan avtar


I'm a blogger, educator and a full stack developer. Mainly focused on Java, Spring and Micro-service architecture. I love to learn, code, make and break things.

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