
Sencha Touch ToolBar example

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Editorial,  7 min read,  2.8K views, updated on Sept. 17, 2023

This example will help you to create ToolBar in Sencha touch. ToolBar is an special kind of pannel that is docked to the either side of the screen.  The most commonly used panels are Panel, TabPanel, Toolbar and FormPanel. 

Panel provides the highest level of configuration and flexibility features. Panel provides ability to add items to either side, and they are called dock.  We can create toolbar by calling the constructor of Ext.Toolbar class or by using xtype toolbar. Toolbar also provides the flexibility to contain the buttons, while docked to a container.

Sencha Touch ToolBar example

Below example shows the usages of toolbar and docked items.

	icon : 'icon.png',
	tabletStartupScreen : 'tablet_startup.png',
	phoneStartupScreen : 'phone_startup.png',
	glossOnIcon : false,

	onReady : function() {
		var panel = new Ext.Panel({
			fullscreen : true,
			html : "Example demonstrates the usage of Sencha Touch Ext.Toolbar class",
			dockedItems : [{
				xtype : 'toolbar',
				dock : 'top',
				title : 'Docked Top',
				items : [{
					text : 'Back',
					iconCls : 'arrow_left',
					iconMask : true
				}, {
					xtype : 'spacer'
				}, {
					text : 'Home',
					iconCls : 'home',
					iconMask : true
			}, {
				xtype : 'toolbar',
				dock : 'bottom',
				ui : 'light',
				title : 'Docked Bottom',
				items : [{
					text : 'Exit',
					ui : "decline"

		Ext.apply(panel, {
			fullscreen : true,
			autoRender : true,
			hideOnMaskTap : false
[box type=”note” border=”full”]Note that, this example will work only on web-kit browser that supports Sencha touch. For best results you may use Google chrome browser or safari.[/box] Below is how the output of the above code.

The above example is using xtype to crate the toolbar, and both toolbar’s are docked to the top and bottom of the Panel. The dockedItems configuration option is used to specify one or more components to be added as docked items to the panel. Components can be docked to the top, right, bottom or left of the panel.

We can also create the toolbar objects using the Ext.Toolbar class constructor. Below is the code sample to crate the Toolbar using Ext.Toolbar class.

var toolBar = new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: 'mytoolbar',
            ui: 'light',
            title: 'Docked Bottom',
             items: [{
                text: 'Exit',
                ui: "decline"

Ext.Panel also provides the high end flexibility to manipulate docked items using a number of functions. We can use the addDocked() and removeDocked() functions to add or remove docked items, and onDockedAdd() or onDockedRemove() to perform actions upon addition or removal of docked items. The getDockedItems() method returns an array of the currently docked components.

The above example uses the “items” configuration option to add the items to Panel. However, we can also use add(), insert() and delete() methods available in Ext.Panel class to manipulate the Panel items.