StackTips in 2016: A Year in Review

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Editorial,  4 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

Happy New Year 2017! We wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. May the year 2017 bring prosperity and cheers in your life!.

2016 A Year in Review

Thank you for your support in 2016, It has been a great year with highs and lows, but we are proud of what the Stacktips community has accomplished in the past year. We’re excited to share our stat and some fun facts about all of our work over the past year.

  • We hope we’ve helped our readers learning new things form our new tutorials, code snippets and tech news from industry. Over 5.3 million readers were reading us last year on our website alone. 
  • We have gained huge support on our social media networks. While we have crossed 14k likes on our Facebook page, our Twitter handle growth is very moderate with, only 1100 followers. We are sure, we could have done it better.
  • We have released our new Android App last November. It is designed to provide fast, uncluttered and ad free reading experience. Since its first release, the download numbers and users engagement is very promising. We now, wish to design an iPhone app for Stacktips in 2017.
  • Here at Stacktips we say, 2016 was the year of development. We have developed Android app, redesigned site layout with our proprietary theme, we now we are getting ready to sell our first commercial Wordpress theme.

Again, thanks to all of you for making us such a special community. We would love to see you continue your Stacktips Journey into 2017.