
List of Best Android Apps for your Android Smartphone

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Editorial,  3 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

Android is one among the leading Smartphone Operating System around the world. Smart Phone market is keep on growing vast and at the same time there is a valid point of argument between two major platform iOS and Android. It is one among the hot topic in todays tech world. Both the platform has their uniqueness by providing unique and new feature. However, the numbers of Android phone users are more than iOS phone users (as survey by Kantar in 2014).

So today I picked up Android for you all!!!

Android phones are all over in the world and in this new generation people only look for smartphones which give them 1000’s of interactive features with tons of FREE apps.

There are nearly 1.2 million apps in the Google Play and out of theses 1 million apps are FREE. This makes it harder to find right app for you. So here, I am going to give you some room by listing the best FREE apps in the Google play which is quite necessary to your phone or a must download app all by 2014.

Below are the categories present in the below info-graphic.

  1. Books & References
  2. Communication
  3. Entertainment
  4. Health
  5. Media & Video
  6. News
  7. Personalization
  8. Photography
  9. Productivity
  10. Shopping
  11. Social
  12. Tools
  13. Travel
  14. Weather

Best Android apps for your android phone

Image Courtesy Nine Hertz