
jQuery 3.0 Final Version is Now Released

celin_smith avtar

Written by:

Celin,  5 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

Today jQuery 3.0 final version is out! The overarching goals of the release were to create a slimmer, faster and better version of jQuery with compatibility in mind. New version of jQuery is the continuation of 2.x branch, but with fixes to long overdue issues.

Older version (v1.12 and v2.2) branches will continue to receive critical support; however developers will not get any new features or major revisions.

All of the Internet Explorer browser workarounds are removed and using some of the morden web APIs. Now if you still want to support IE v6-8 version, you may continue to use the latest 1.12 release.

It is recommended that, for any new development developers should use jQuery 3.0 version. For existing projects, transition to 3.0 won’t be a hassel. There are a few breaking changes, hopefully it actually wont affect that many people. Per usual, to assist with upgrading, brand new jQuery 3.0 developer upgrade guide released. You may use the jQuery Migrate 3.0 plugin to identify compatibility issues in your code.

jQuery 3.0 CDN files:

<script src=""></script>

<!-- Minified version -->
<script src=""></script>

You can also get the release from npm:

npm install [email protected]

In addition, we’ve got the release for jQuery Migrate 3.0. We highly recommend using this to address any issues with breaking changes in jQuery 3.0. You can get those files here:

<script src=""></script>

<!-- Minified version -->
<script src=""></script>


npm install [email protected]

For more information about upgrading your jQuery 1.x and 2.x pages to jQuery 3.0 with the help of jQuery Migrate, see the jQuery Migrate 1.4.1 blog post. You can dig into more details on major new features, improvements, bug fixes and migration check out the new 3.0 Upgrade Guide. A complete list of issues fixed is available on our GitHub bug tracker.