
iOS App Permissions – What Makes Them Better Than Android ?

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Addison,  10 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

Apple and Google have been making continuous efforts towards ensuring complete privacy towards user data and device security while downloading mobile apps. Both platform vendors, always engaged in scrutinizing what their apps are doing on their devices and also with the data that has been shared by the users.

With app permissions being a key area of concern,  both platforms are facing a stiff competition from each other. In the context of this post, we’ll be taking a closer look at the reasons that make iOS app permissions better as compared to Android app permissions.

ios vs android app permissions

Why shouldn’t you ignore app permissions?

Considering the ever-growing demand, every renowned iPhone app development company is laying emphasis on making users acquainted with the importance of paying attention to the app permissions Irrespective of whether you’re installing an iOS or Android app, it is recommended not to ignore the app permissions. You should make sure to get familiar with everything that the respective app(s) is/are expecting you to share. Whether it’s your contacts list, your photos, videos or audios; ensure that your privacy isn’t being breached via installation of the chosen app(s).

Mobile app should seek user’s permission for getting an access to the device’s camera, internet and a variety of other resources. Mere ignore of app permissions can make you fall prey to unexpected extortion and frauds. There are several fraudsters out there who’re waiting to grab opportunities of gaining access to your private details like your credit card number, your name, address etc. For example, Fakedefender came up as a fake anti-virus application that promised to show security alerts to the app user, in addition to cleaning up his/her smartphone after making a purchase via the application.

Android app permissions- Why are they inferior?

A wide community of Geeks, who still believes that, the way android seeks permissions is way better as compared to the iOS. Well, this nothing other then a complete myth. Android system seeks users permission while app is being installed. But iOS allows you to go ahead with an installation, and seeks permission when user is using the feature that requires specific permission. Isn’t looks more practical ?

Although the all-new Android 4.3 comes with a default settings menu for managing app permissions, this menu is typically hidden and never easily accessible to users. As an app user, you additionally need to pay attention in managing the permissions from device settings, post app installation. This makes android app experience more frustrating.

iOS app permissions- features that make app more user-friendly

Android asks user to accept or reject all permission used by application before app is being installed. But in iOS, If you choose to install an iOS app with internet access permission, then during installation process, you’re not granting any special permission(s) to your app like an access to your contact list, GPS, gallery etc.

Whenever user uses a specific feature that requires feature specific permissions like accessing Contacts, Reminders, Bluetooth, Calendars, Facebook account, Twitter account etc., it seeks individual permissions for the same. In this way, you’ll be able to gain a detailed insight and reasons behind each specific app permission. This will save you from every possible infringement and any attacks by scammers.

Android’s ‘use It or leave It’ vs Apple’s ‘use It as you like It’

While Android users can either choose to allow all app permissions during installation or just not use the app; the iOS users can accept some permissions and deny the others, while still continuing to use the application. Quite dissimilar to Android  app permission system, iOS app permission system allows users to manage and gather a deep understanding of the criteria that needs to be followed for accepting/rejecting an app permission.


Often unheard, but iOS app permissions are indeed much more logical as compared to the low-end Android app permissions. In iOS, your decision of installing a particular app is surrounded by a number of unique factors and not just the conventional ones, as are applicable during installation of Android apps.