
How to Instal SVN Subversive Plug-In in eclipse

nilan avtar

Written by:

Nilanchala,  2 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

In this tutorial will see steps to install of the SVN Subversive Plug-In in eclipse. Subversive SVN plugin is an official Eclipse project with an EPL license. This comes with an SVN connector that connects and communicates with SVN repository.

Using Eclipse Update Site

Run Eclipse and select Help > Install New Software from the main menu.

Installation of the SVN Subversive Plug-In in eclipse

Click “Add” from the install dialog box. Add the below link as location and name in the dialog. Select both “subclips” and “SVNKit” both options and click install. And then follow the installation instructions.

SVN Subversive URL-

Installation of the SVN Subversive Plug-In in eclipse2