
Android L: What’s in Store for Mobile App Designers

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Lucie,  11 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

New features and functionalities have always kept Google’s Android under the vigil eye of smartphone app designers and developers. Whether it’s related to designing an app’s layout or an entire user interface; Android versions have always been released with innovative trends that have been well embraced by the Android app development community. Adding up to the count of successful Android versions is Android L(Lollipop). Just like the previous versions of Android, this one also comprises of new changes in terms of design, features, and functions. Today, through this blog, I’ll be making you abreast with the specific design moderations that have been introduced along with this brand new Android version.

1. Material Design awaits Android app designers

Mobile app seekers can now gather an excellent opportunity of hiring top Android app developers who’re well abreast about using Material Design interface for building apps that function flawlessly, irrespective of the device and mobile platform. Android L(Lollipop) has employed a Material Design interface which allows you to design app elements that can be made smaller or bigger as per the size of the targeted screens. And that’s not all. With Material Design, you can also ensure the placement of more white space elements and 3D effects in your Android powered applications. Bidding adieu to the traditional Android aesthetics, Material Design has emerged as a spontaneous means of building robust and scalable apps.

2. Android apps will now be more scalable due to an Adaptive design

When using Android L, you(a mobile app designer) would be required to follow certain layout guidelines for designing the apps. You’ll need to adhere to adaptive design guidelines wherein you’ll be required to design apps that can be easily scaled across a range of screen sizes so as to maintain consistency in user experience. Since app interactions need to be consistent for all Android devices, you’ll be supposed to follow standards set for design and placement of colors, icons, spacing etc.

3. Google’s focus on UI guidelines that work in favor of designers

A large majority of Android app designers has been ignoring the Google’s guidelines when it comes to designing the user interface for an application. Now, with the emergence of Android L operating system, the app builders would be expected to abide by all the prescribed Google’s guidelines for bringing unified mobile experience without fail. Designers are now equipped with a well-defined documentation that would enable them to learn the process of interacting with the brand new paradigm without getting a headache. Material design guidelines can be found in Google’s official website for designers.

4. App Indexing makes way for rendering a streamlined user experience

The App Indexing feature installed within Android L will enable the users to search through Google Chrome and fetch results even from the apps that have been downloaded into the Android smartphone. To put in simple words, this app indexing feature will enable the interlinking of web apps and native apps, thereby adding excellence into the user experience.

5. Intuitive Notifications will serve as a ‘sweet’ surprise to users

Unlike the previous Android OS versions which included dull, boring notifications; Android L will have smarter and more interactive notifications. The best part is that the notifications would no longer be locked to the app’s notifications bar. Instead, they would be a showcased as a key component of the device’s lock screen. Moreover, the Visibility Controls will enable the app used to manage the type of notifications that are displayed on the lock screen. This would assure complete privacy and security of the information that’s being displayed as notifications. As an added advantage, the users would also be able to perform common tasks via the notification itself.

6. The 64-bit support that helps in to build more intricate apps

With the launch of Android Lollipop, Android app designers will be capable of designing apps that can run on Android devices which comprise over 4GB of RAM. These apps will be quite similar to the heavy programs that usually run on desktops or laptops.

Wrapping up

Witnessing a 63% global market share of smartphone and tablet shipments, Android has undoubtedly become one of the most used devices among hand-held gadget fans. As an Android app designer, you can leverage Android L for creating apps that would not only offer you complete work satisfaction but will even work as a magic wand for meeting your client’s customized requirements.