
Android Developer Days 2015 Waits You

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Editorial,  5 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

Preparations for Android Developer Days 2015 continue. In addition to talks made by experts on their fields, there will be many workshops like Android 101, Cardboard, Android Wear. There will also be a hackathon that will last 24 hours.

Android Developer Days is going to take place in METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey on May 11/12 2015. It is again free and open to everyone. We are again open to add new organizers to conference. Let’s be together and grow this community event together. Please keep in mind, a retweet is also a support for this event and community.

Here is the registration page of ADD 2015, you can register for free.

Android Developer Days

Share Your Knowledge and Experience in ADD

Developer events are great places for meeting other developers. You can learn many things from other developers. And also you can share your knowledge and experience with other developers. You can inspire many people with your talk. If you don’t want to miss this opportunity, you can apply and become a speaker at Android Developer Days. Here is the Android Developer Days Call For Papers Form . You can submit any subject including the subjects here. Deadline for Call For Papers is 1st April 2015. Don’t be late, For attendees, register for free on Registration Web Page .

Featured Speakers are Announced

You can listen and ask questions to the experts directly. It is will be a great opportunity to contact them directly.

ADD Featured Speakers

ADD Speakers