
7 Tips for Mobile App Project Management

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Editorial,  10 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

It’s safe to say that mobile app development is just as complex a process as any other IT project. That’s why strategies used in projects aimed at developing mobile apps are to a large extent similar to those used by managers in other fields. Here are practical tips for making sure you pass the 7 following steps of app development smoothly and efficiently.

1. Define your objectives

Every project requires a vision – your role as manger is to define it and communicate it to your team. It’s important that you have a deep understanding of your objectives – only then will you be able to organize and manage the project to match specified requirements. Once you set key details, you’ll be able to start developing your project timeline and establish a provisional budget.

2. Make a plan

As a manger, you’ll be the one responsible for the execution of the project. Create a thorough plan and stick to it. Assign roles to developers on the basis of their expertise. Your overall plan should suggest your chosen devices, interaction points, number of screens, typical usage patterns and many other characteristics of your mobile app.

3. Go visual

Before you set out to the development process itself, it’s important to know what you’re aiming for. That’s the moment for the UI experts to step in and design the visual style of your app. They’ll make sure that your app offers an engaging user experience and incorporates intuitive call-to-action items to help the app make profit.

Expect a selection of storyboards and mockups to make it your way. They’ll give you an idea about an interface design together with screen wire frames to show you how the app will look like and function.


Photo credit : ewelinawoloszyn[dot]com

4. The development phase

This is the key moment in making your app come to life – all the features and functions modeled in previous stages will now become real. Keep tabs on the work of developers as they launch into iterative coding sessions and choose the best algorithms to ensure the app’s great performance. It’s a good idea to have a general developer overlooking the process and reporting directly to you – he’ll make sure that the coding is clean, robust and efficient.

The development phase

5. Testing

Once the app is ready, it’s time to test it. Even if it takes additional time on your schedule, don’t complain about it. Testing is that crucial moment when the app is ran on various devices, browsers and platforms to check whether it works smoothly, doesn’t contain any glitches and looks just like you planned.

6. Deploying the app

Once you’re done testing your app, you’re ready to deploy it. Choose your marketplace carefully – perhaps you’ll need to redefine your marketing strategy once the app is ready and running. Remember that there are many options for deployment apart from iTunes or Google Play store.

7. Don’t forget about maintenance

Once the app is out there and gaining popularity, make sure not to lose sight of it. Read reviews carefully and see whether users point to particular features of the app that negatively impact their experience.

After the first round of user testing, you’ll be able to make valuable corrections and release the app once more in a new version. That’s something your marketing team will appreciate as well, as they can build momentum until the very launch of the updated app and leverage the interest for their purposes.

Project management for building mobile apps is much clearer if you approach it in this step by step manner. Follow tips included above and you’ll be on your way to developing great apps in effective time frames.

Post by: Monique Rivers

Monique Rivers is a tech blogger at Ninefold. She’s also interested in digital marketing and photography. Ninefold offers powerful and easy to use cloud hosting infrastructure.