
7 Commendable HTML5 Frameworks That Augment Responsive Web Design

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Editorial,  15 min read,  updated on September 17, 2023

Not long ago, developing a full-fledged website while ensuring its cross-browser compatibility was considered as one of the most tedious jobs. However, the evolution of web design frameworks entailed with the latest technology has made the task much efficient and simpler. These frameworks have eradicated the need to manually write the code again and again when needed, as they include predefined codes. They, thus, scrutinize the web development process, and make it easier and faster.

In this mobile age, the significance of a responsive web design cannot be ignored. Since, with this design approach, your websites can proficiently scale to a variety of websites, you can proficiently target a gigantic audience base. Moreover, while ensuring a smooth and flawless performance of your site on any device, it also enhances the visibility of your site on the web.

Fortunately, there are several HTML5 frameworks that buttress the responsive website development. In this post, I have enlisted a few of the most recommended HTML5 frameworks that every web developer or designer must know. Let’s explore them briefly.

1. Foundation

html5 framework foundationYou might have heard about the Foundation framework before, as it is one of the most popular responsive framework available out there. It offers a slew of HTML and CSS based design templates for UI components, including buttons, typography, navigation, and more. With this framework, you can easily create even complicated design layouts without delving deep into the creation of a plethora of custom elements. It supports up to 12 column grid that can scale down to fit any size. It is loaded with brilliant features like Off Canvas, Flex, Video, Interchange and a lot more.

2. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is an amazing framework that is popular among web professionals for delivering outstanding front end web solutions. It expedites the web development and makes it extremely easy to design the look and feel of a website in a desired way. It is HTML and CSS compliant, and allows one to design intuitive and enticing interfaces with UI components like carousels, forms, typography, navigations, buttons, tabs, and so forth. Most importantly, it supports responsive design, thus you can efficiently create a responsive website.

3. HTML5 Boilerpoint

html5 framework boilerpoint
HTML5 Boilerpoint is a powerful front-end template framework that offers fast and highly adaptable web solutions. It offers a sleek HTML template with an optimized Google Analytics snippet and responsive design. It is based on the HTML5 and CSS technologies. You can deploy this framework and get started with your new projects with ease and a great efficiency.

4. Skeleton

html5 framework skeleton
This powerful framework only features an array of standard HTML elements and a grid. For this reason, it makes a great choice for accomplishing the front-end website designing needs of a smaller project or for the projects that don’t require components and features included in any larger frameworks. The framework is extremely lightweight, embracing around 400 lines of code and offers an invaluable solution for developing simple websites for mobile.

Although it is not a UI framework, it is a great tool to get started. You can efficiently start working on this framework, as it hardly requires compilation and installation. Get more info from Skeleton website.

5. HTML KickStart

html5 framework kickstart
HTML Kickstart embraces a set of ultra-lean, high-end UI elements and layout based on the robust technologies, including HTML5, CSS, and jQuery. It has been developed to help you headstart your website development projects with predefined front-end components. With this framework, you can rapidly create your website and integrate elements like slideshows, grid, buttons, and image placeholders, to name a few. Thus, you can develop the requisite app with a great ease.

6. Web Starter Kit

html5 framework webstarter kit
Google Web Starter Kit is an assertive boilerplate available for web development. Optimized to deliver prolific performance, this kit allows one to efficiently develop trendy websites that adhere to the Web Fundamentals outlined by Google. This kit makes a great pick for both adroit and novice web developers. The outstanding tools included in this kit helps one to create websites with a great UX.

While offering you a visual style guide and boilerplate style guide, it also allows one to customize the visual appearance and create a fresh and unique web design.

7. UI Kit

html5 framework uikit
UI Kit is yet another lightweight framework that helps one to efficiently design the front-end of a website while keeping mobiles in mind. A whopping number of HTML, CSS and JavaScript based components are included in this framework that facilitates one to quickly create a web interface by efficiently customizing the UI elements as per the requirements. The preprocessor language of this framework is LESS, which can be maintained conveniently.

These are a few of the worthwhile HTML5 frameworks available out there that support responsive web design. All these frameworks deliver a remarkable performance and helps create an incredible interface. Streamline your choice by taking your project needs into account and use the most suitable framework to stay productive while delivering an ultimate design.

This article is contributed by Jack Calder. He is a complete professional having a great experience in web application development. He is working as Sr. Web Developer in Markupcloud Ltd, A promising company to convert PSD to HTML company having great experience.